Bloodlock Playtest Rules V0.52 *now with more katanas & bayonets!*

Hello, bloodpunks, 

Bloodlock has been updated. 

Mostly, this update was focused on further clarifying rules while also making them stringent enough to allow more serious play but still allowing for relaxed gameplay. We also focused on writing up the rules for units to be more streamlined & understandable. 

Bloodlock is a system with a core rule book focused on feudal low-tech napoleonics & a game system that lets you play multiple games in the time it would take to play 1 with other systems or playing a large game that could take all night. 

Thinking about removing the upgrades/equipment options from the core rules & having it as an optional system so it's even quicker to hop in... Let me know your thoughts.

Please post feedback here or join on discord to chat about ideas!

As always, stay cool like Sean Bean



BLOODLOCK Core Rules V0.57 24 MB
15 days ago

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